Q&A Stage


Welcome to Day 2 of How to Web

Panel: How to build marketplaces that succeed

Romanian Startups: Tigers of Europe – documentary and panel


Investment – Q&A session with Irina Haivas, moderated by Andreas Munk Holm
Irina Haivas | Partner, Atomico
Andreas Munk Holm | Founder & Host, The European VC

Investment – Q&A session with Staffan Helgesson, moderated by Andreas Munk Holm
Staffan Helgesson | General Partner, Creandum
Andreas Munk Holm | Founder & Host, The European VC

Investment – Q&A session with Ondrej Bartos, moderated by Andreas Munk Holm
Ondrej Bartos | General Partner, Credo Ventures
Andreas Munk Holm | Founder & Host, The European VC

Lunch Break

Culture and Team – Q&A session with Mada Seghete, moderated by Sonia Damian
Mada Seghete | Co-founder & VP of Marketing, Branch
Sonia Damian | Head of Platform & Community, Crew Capital

Culture and Team – Q&A session with David Bizer, moderated by Sonia Damian
David Bizer | Director, KeySearch
Sonia Damian | Head of Platform & Community, Crew Capital

Culture and Team – Q&A session with Joe Leech, moderated by Sonia Damian
Joe Leech | Trusted Adviser & Executive Coach
Sonia Damian | Head of Platform & Community, Crew Capital


Spotlight Finals

Spotlight Awards

Networking with pre-party vibes


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