Panel: Building deeptech products and startups from Eastern Europe

Breakthrough technologies aim to solve really meaningful problems, but don’t always turn into useful products. How should founders with a deep technological background build succesful products, and from where can they get the support they need?

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Talk: Focus on the outcome not on the output

In a rapidly changing environment, marked by uncertainty and demanding customers, the role of a product manager becomes paramount in inspiring and guiding a focused and highly efficient product team. Join Alex as he sheds light on this intricate challenge faced by both enterprise and startup companies, and how it can be effectively addressed through… Read more »

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Panel: I’m building an amazing product – why can’t I raise money?

Raising venture money has always been one of the hardest things startups need to do, and it’s especially true today. Apart from building amazing products, venture money looks for amazing outcomes. Join us to discuss how the two are, or are not, connected.

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Talk: Five rules for growth: developing products 10 million users love

Current VP of product at DeepL, and previous Director of Product at, Christopher is an experienced product leader and manager. Based on his experience, Christopher has distilled 5 key rules you need to take into account when developing your products and growth strategy.

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Panel: How to build marketplaces that succeed

Marketplaces are messy – synchronizing supply with demand, and keeping the financials in balance, sometimes across multiple geographies, has proven to be a hard game to play for many startups, including Delivery hero or Wolt and Tier or Voi. Joined by experienced marketplace investors and operators, we discuss what makes the best marketplaces work in… Read more »

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Talk: High-velocity product design

In this talk, Claudiu will share his know-how on how to increase product development velocity and build a highly efficient product team to give you an almost unfair competitive advantage.

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Keynote: Building growth into your product – lessons learned at Calendly

Darren will walk us through the hard truths of building a product-led growth business in 2023. You’ll learn secrets behind why Calendly’s been so successful at developing strong growth channels, some common pitfalls and things to be aware of, and how their team is designing and implementing their product-led sales strategies.

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Talk: Gods, Superheroes, and Product Managers

Randy will challenge you to really define the role and mindset of Product people: If you’re not the hero or the CEO, then what role does a PM play?

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Keynote: Ship what matters – the right products at the right time

The ‘growth at all costs’ reality has changed – being efficient, profitable and deliver things that work, on time, is more crucial than ever. Ryan will share how his experience with Basecamp, where he spent over 17 years, to quickly develop meaningful products, build common language, and mix-and-match tools to fit your team. If you’re… Read more »

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